Attention: Potential Student Veterans and Veteran Dependents in Higher Education
Self-Care and Well-Being
Many of us are experiencing new challenges during the pandemic. The VA has recognized this and has developed self-care resources, including a series on developing well-being. Scroll down to see a COVID Coach App; relaxation and mindfulness practices; videos for spiritual health; and more.
Behavioral Health Among College Students Information and Resource Kit
This kit discusses the consequences of substance misuse among college students including the misuse of prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It explores various causational factors such as peer pressure, stress, social norms, and advertising messages. Inventory#: SMA17-5052
Rx Pain Medications, Know the Options, Get the Facts
The publication series, “Rx Pain Medications. Know the Options. Get the Facts.” is a set of 13 fact sheets designed to increase awareness of the risks associated with prescription opioid use and misuse, as well as to educate patients who are prescribed opioids for pain about the risks and to provide resources on methods for alternative pain management.
Problem Gambling and the Military
Active duty military and veterans have a higher risk for gambling addiction than the general population, yet they are underserved.
2019 NC STRIVE Report
Recently, the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) updated its website, https://www.va.gov/education/, for Veterans and their dependents enrolled in higher education. This website provides information on applying for education benefits; managing benefits, including how to pay for tuition; identifying the right school or training program; getting career counseling; and using other resources.
In addition, the VA has developed a GI Bill Comparison Tool for those interested in enrolling in higher education (https://www.va.gov/gi-bill-comparison-tool). It allows users to learn about different programs and to identify benefits by school. For example, some schools offer priority enrollment to Veterans, and the toolkit helps users see which schools provide this service.
The VA has also developed Forever GI Bill Communications Toolkit for those working in higher education. It provides tips for Veterans Services staff in outreach, social media, and resources. The toolkit can be downloaded from https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/docs/FGIB_comms_toolkit.pdf.
On August 21, 2019, the President signed a memorandum, which canceled student loan debt for Veterans who are disabled (https://www.cnbc.com/2019/08/21/trump-announces-automatic-student-loan-forgiveness-for-disabled-vets.html). Even though disabled Veterans are already entitled to student debt forgiveness under the Total and Permanent Disability Discharge option (https://disabilitydischarge.com/) under the US Department of Education, a review showed that the government continues to seek repayment on $1 billion in student loans from more than 40,000 severely disabled veterans who have been deemed unable to work. More than 25,000 of them are in default; only 8,500 of them have applied for forgiveness.